Dan’s Plea.

This is the devalopment of Dan’s ple character.

charicter bords

  • This is dan’s design board of his plea character.


  • Dan said I could change up the character so I did and this my first re-creation of the character.

 Character board_Plea 1

  • After making the rough sketch I then decided to change up the character a bit, so I gave it short bear ears and a shorter and slightly shorter and body.

Character board_Plea 2

  • After showing Dan, the skinner design he then told me to make it fatter and the ears a bit longer.


Rough animatic Idea and movements.

Bouncing Rabbit.02

  • This a test of the character quickly bouncing.

Walking Character.02

  • This a test of the character slowly walking.

rabbit explotion.03

  • And this is a rough idea I pitched to dan to see if he would like it.

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